Correlations of Pressuremeter Data with SPT, CPT and Laboratory Tests Data


  • Z. Rehman
  • A. Akbar
  • A. H. Khan
  • B. G. Clarke


A simple and cost effective version of pressuremeter (PMT) has been developed in Pakistan at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. This PMT called ‘Akbar Pressuremeter (APMT)’ has been used as prebored as well as full displacement pressuremeter. In-situ testing using APMT, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetrometer (CPT) was carried out at three different sites. The sites comprised very soft to medium stiff clays,stiff to very stiff clays and loose to medium dense sands. Un-disturbed sampling using Shelby tubes was also carried out to determine soil strength parameters in the laboratory. An attempt has been made to develop mathematical correlations of PMT data with SPT, CPT and laboratory tests data. Plausibility analysis of the mathematical correlations has also been carried out.


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Civil Engineering,Structures, Construction, Geo technology, Water, Transportation