Effect of limestone powder on the uniaxial compressive behaviour of cement-treated sand
A study has been conducted to investigate the compressional behaviour of cemented sand containing limestone powder as filler material. Cylindrical specimens were made by using sand, limestone powder and high early strength cement with specific ratio of water to cement (W/C) and cement to sand (C/S); and varying ratios of limestone powder to cement (L/C). The influences of the filler materials on the compressive strength and setting times of the mix were investigated. Results have indicated that limestone powder as a filler material has relatively less effect on the uniaxial compressive strength, whereas, setting time is highly influenced by the type of filler material.
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[2] Sua-iam, G. & Makul, N. (2013). Utilization of limestone powder toimprove the properties of self-compacting concrete incorporating highvolumes of untreated rice husk ash as fine aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 38(1), 455–464.
[3] Abdullah, A.A. & Kiousis, P.D. (1998). Behaviour of cemented sands-I. Testing. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Gemomechanics, 21(8), 533-547.
[4] Zhou, J., Qian, S., Beltran, M.G.S., Ye, G., Breugel, K. & Li, V. C. (2010). Development of engineered cementitious composites with limestone powder and blast furnace slag. Materials and Strucures,43(6), 803-814.
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[6] Algin, H. M. & Turgut, P. (2008). Cotton and limestone powder wastes as brick material. Construction and Building Materials, 22(6),1074-1080.
[7] Nawa, T., Izumi, T. & Edamatsu, Y. (1998). State-of-the-art report on materials and design of self-compacting concrete. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Self-Compacting Concrete, Kochi, Japan. 160-190.
[8] Bell, F.G. (1993). Engineering treatment of soils, E & FN Spon, London, UK.
[9] ASTM D2487. (2000). Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering purposes (Unified soil classification system). ASTM International.
[10] Tariq, K.A. & Maki, T. (2014). Mechanical behaviour of cement-treated sand. Construction and Building Materials, 58, 54-63.
[11] ASTM C469. (2002). Standard test method for static modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of concrete in compression. ASTM International.
[12] ASTM C191. (2008). Standard Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle. ASTM International.
Civil Engineering,Structures, Construction, Geo technology, Water, Transportation