The Impact of the Energy Efficient Appliances on Occupant Behavior through Rebound Effect in residential buildings


  • Adnan Jalil Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE
  • Qurat ul Ain Asghar Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE
  • Madiha Zaman Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE
  • Rubab Ahmed Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE


Energy efficient building is the only significant mitigation strategy to save energy in the residential buildings after the advent of energy crisis. Such buildings are not only designed on the principles of sustainability and energy efficiency but also are well equipped with modern efficient appliances for households. This leads towards the use of devices which involve technology and material that utilize minimum energy and give better output. Although these innovations are the step forward to the energy problem but it also create an incautious use of energy on user behavior in Pakistan. It is deduced after experience that residents were used to be very careful about the use of incandescent bulb due to its impact of high energy consumption, whereas in era of energy efficient lights the influence of careful use of energy is lost due to the impact that these lighting fixtures are creating. Hence, this influence loss is causing same or more energy consumption, showing the presence of Rebound effect. This research paper aims to identify the effect of energy efficient appliances on user behavior through rebound effect and its mitigation. In order to trace the energy consumption habits, a target group of 5 houses is comparatively evaluated on before and after the use of energy efficient lighting fixtures particularly the “energy saver bulbs”. The main findings of the study include presence of indirect rebound effect with the use of energy efficient lighting fixtures.

Author Biographies

Adnan Jalil, Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE

Assistant Professor

department of Architecture

U.E.T, Lahore

Qurat ul Ain Asghar, Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE

Assistant Professor

department of Architecture

U.E.T, Lahore

Madiha Zaman, Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE

Assistant Professor

department of Architecture

U.E.T, Lahore

Rubab Ahmed, Department of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE


department of Architecture

U.E.T, Lahore


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City and Regional Planning, Environmental Engineering, Architecture