Computerized Maintenance Management System in Process Industry of Pakistan


  • Muhammad Hassan Ali
  • Rameez Khalid Institute of Business Administration Karachi


Maintenance, a fundamental of reliable operations, has gone through an evolution from reactive to proactive strategies. In this evolution, the technology layer has been added in terms of computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). This paper aims to explore the current status of CMMS in the process industries of a developing country. For this study, data were collected via questionnaire from 62 publicly listed companies along with an analysis of their annual reports. Moreover, six interviews of CMMS consultants were conducted. It was found that 56% of the sampled companies had a CMMS running, while 44% had no such solution. The key performance indicator (KPI) of ‘% replacement asset value’ (%RAV) was further determined, which was found to be 3.74% for companies with CMMS and 5.67% for companies with no CMMS; considering the global benchmark of 2.5%. The challenges to CMMS implementation included unawareness about function of CMMS, erroneous data and weak change management. Even in companies that had CMMS, its utilization was found to be elementary. CMMS end users and consultants can use the findings of this study in enhancing the success of CMMS implementation and utilization. 

Author Biographies

Muhammad Hassan Ali

Muhammad Hassan Ali has twelve years experience of power, chemical, oil and gas plants' maintenance. He holds Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and Masters degree in Energy Systems from NED University, Karachi. Also, he possess Executive MBA degree from Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.

Rameez Khalid, Institute of Business Administration Karachi

PhD (France), SECP-Certified Board Director, SPPRA-Certified Trainer, PMP, CQSSBB, OCP, PE, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at IBA Karachi. He did his MS leading to PhD in Industrial Systems from Toulouse, France; earlier, he completed Bachelor in Mechanical Engg. from NED University. He is currently the Academic Director of Supply Chain Management Program. He is the ex-Chairperson of IBA's Consultant Selection Committee and Central Procurement Committee. He is an Assessor in OHS (ISO-18001), QMS (ISO-9001) & SC-SMS (ISO-28000). He has published papers in international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests are: Project Feasibility, Warehousing, Risk Management, Forecasting Demand, Lean Six Sigma, Operations Research, Project Management Maturity and Supply Chain Performance Measurement with especial focus on emerging economies. He has worked as a consultant or trainer with various companies.


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Mechanical Engineering, Automotive, Mechatronics, Textile, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering