Performance of HTV SiRas Outdoor insulation at High Altitudes
Because of several advantages over traditional ceramic insulators, polymeric insulators are gaining popularity in electrical power transmission and distribution systems as outdoor insulation. However, being organic in nature, these insulators degrade in outdoor environment and their lifeexpectancy needs to be assessed in the environment prevailing at potential sites of outdoor installation. For first ever study of polymeric insulators in Pakistan, HTV-SiR insulators, having promising credentials internationally, were chosen to undergo assessment in the simulated environment representing Pakistani conditions. Aging of these insulators was investigated under varying level of UV radiations and pollution to reproduce Pakistani conditions prevalent in different regions. Because of some practical consideration, the aging study was conducted at low-pressure conditions to simulate high altitude applications. The aged samples were analyzed using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, SEM, hydrophobicity tests and through physical observations. The study revealed that, though these insulators experienced more degradation at low pressure but still maintained acceptable performance.References
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