Estimation of porosity of Khewra Sandstone of Cambrian age by using Helium Porosimeter and its application in reservoir evaluation


  • Mohammad Saleem Khan
  • Amanat Ali Bhatti
  • Syed Tahir Ali Gillan
  • Muhammad Aamir Qadri
  • Arshad Raza


Estimation of petrophysical properties of the rock formations played decisive role in all the processes of petroleum exploration. The Cambrian sequence is well established as reservoir rocks in the various parts of the world from where petroleum is being tapped. The Cambrian sequence has been encountered in the Potwar area and limited petroleum is being produced from the Adhi Oil Field. The Khewra Sandstone of the Cambrian sequence is outcropped in the Khewra Gorge, Salt Range Pakistan below an unconformity of the Tobra Formation. For the assessment of porosity & reservoir characterization Helium Porosimeter has been used, six samples of the upper horizon were collected from various locations of the Khewra Gorge and the Khewra Choha Sadden Shah road side section; cores were prepared from these samples according to the instrument standard. The results of this study revealed that the upper horizon of the Khewra Sandstone Formation has good porosity ranging from 18.76% to 21.07%, porosity varied in different parts of the formation. These results are in good agreement with the internationally reported values for petroleum reservoirs of the Cambrian sandstone.


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Polymer Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics