Synthesis and Characterization of Al/SiC Composite Made by Stir Casting Method
Ceramics contain a distinctive property of completely absence of slip planes and have least probability of deforming by the application of force. Among these ceramics, the silicon carbide occupies a competent place to be used as a reinforcing agent for aluminum or its alloys. It has the density close to aluminum and is best for making composite having good strength and good heat conductivity. Stir casting has been used to synthesize Al/SiC MMCs by reinforcing silicon carbide particles into aluminum matrix. The reason for using stir casting is to develop technology for the development of MMCs at affordable cost. The selection of SiC as reinforcement and Al as matrix is because of their easy availability. The practical data acquired, analyzed and optimized will be interpreted in the light of information available in the literature and be shared with the relevant industries. The present work was mainly carried out to characterize the SiC/Al composite which was produced by reinforcing the various proportions of SiC (5, 10, 15, 25 and 30%) in aluminum matrix using stir casting technique. Mechanical properties of test specimens made from stir-casted Aluminum-Silicon Carbide composites have been studied using metallographic and mechanical testing techniques. It was observed that as the volume fraction of SiC in the composite is gradually increased, the hardness and toughness increase. However, beyond a level of 25-30 percent SiC, the results are not very consistent, and depend largely on the uniformity of distribution of SiC in the aluminum matrixReferences
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